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solar system exploration: kids:paper models file

Right now, a bunch of super tough robots are out there exploring our solar system. You can build paper versions of many of them right here on Earth.
Paper modeling -- or card modeling -- is the art of constructing things with only colored, cut and folded pieces of paper. To help in constructing each model, you will need the free Adobe Reader to print the instructions and model parts. A link to is provided with each model.
Remember: Spacecraft construction is a team activity. Get some friends and an adult to pitch in on the mission. Now pick a ship (by clicking its image below) to start your space fleet (or click on the spacecraft name to find out what the mission is all about):
For more models of your favorite NASA spacecraft visit the NASA Science Mission Directorate Models Page.

001.gif 002.gif 003.gif 004.gif 005.gif 006.gif 007.gif 008.gif 009.gif 010.gif 011.gif 012.gif 013.gif 014.gif


Universe Spacecraft paper models-NASA Science

Right now, there are several spacecrafts exploring our Universe. You can build paper versions of many of them right here on Earth.

Paper modeling - or card modeling - is the art of constructing things with only colored, cut and folded pieces of paper. To help in constructing each model, you will need the free Adobe Reader to print the instructions and model parts. A link to is provided with each model.

Remember: Spacecraft construction is a team activity. Get some friends and an adult to pitch in on the mission. Now pick a ship to start your space fleet (or click on the spacecraft name to find out what the mission is all about). 


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