Load samples

Metasequoia contains several sample objects. (*1) Let's load a dice in this time.

Open a "dice.mqo" by [Menu > File > Open].

Call [Menu > File > File browser], and a file browser with thumbnails for files and folders will be shown.

Press the [Favorites] button at the top of the file browser, and select [Sample models]. Sample files will be shown in the list. (*1)

When you select "dice.mqo", a preview will be shown on the right side. (A surface of the dice is white because textures are not shown in the preview.)

And press the [Open] button.

A dice has been displayed in the 3D view (Perspective).

You will operate the view on the next page.

Note: You can also open a file [Menu > File > Open].

Sample models exist in
C:\Program Files\tetraface\\SampleModels
at the default installation.


There are other sample objects in the folder. Let's load and watch them.

Note: When you open another sample after modifying the current file, the following dialog will be shown. Please select [No] to avoid to overwrite the opening file. If you select [Yes], the sample file will be overwritten.